The Gerties family had planned to board a flight, but the flight to Seattle was canceled multiple times. Peggy Gerties, along with her husband and her daughter, have some “Plan B” options.
“We’ve kept looking, but there’s nothing we can fly to Seattle, probably until Christmas Day,” Gertys said.
My next best bet for going to Seattle to spend Christmas with my son and brother is to drive. Her daughter, Naika Campbell, had planned that the drive would take her over 39 hours.
“It’s an adventure,” said Campbell. “Not what I wanted.”
In the end, the three decided to drive. It was in hopes that a miracle would arrive on the West Coast before Christmas so that I could spend the holidays with my family, who are most important to me.
“I don’t think you should be shocked,” Gertys said. “We have flown elsewhere and had no problems.”
Milwaukee Mitchell International Airport has encouraged travelers to stay in touch with their airlines about delays and cancellations.