
Ukiah Food Bank Fund Drive reaches $121,370; will continue through end of 2022 – The Ukiah Daily Journal

Funviralpark 2 years ago 0 1

There are only a few days left to donate to this year’s Ukiah Daily Journal Holiday Fund Drive for the Ukiah Food Bank, which will run until the end of the year.

Thank you to everyone who made a generous donation. We report donations as usual, unless the donor requests anonymity.

Recent donations include:

Daniel & Geneco Steele, $2,000. Robert Fowler and Jane Ball, $1,000. Dana & Jonelle Mize, $500. Kurt and Sally Keekheffer, $500. Leslie Kirkpatrick, $500. Catherine and Joseph Langstaff, $250. Charlotte Tonji, $200. Lawrence S. Mitchell, $200. Theodore & Jessica Kimball, $200. Erica Strong (in memory of Douglas Strong), $100. Roberta Yocum, $100. Ruddick Ranch Incorporated, $50. Ronald T. & Ann Barnes, $25. Bicycle Ralph, $9.

Total: $5,634

Running Total: $121,370

Any donation is greatly appreciated. To donate: Make a check payable to Ford Street Project in support of UDJ Food Bank Drive, mailed to 139 Ford St., Ukiah CA 95482. Donations can also be made online at Checks can be delivered to the Community Food Bank at 888 N. State St. during distribution hours. The Food Bank accepts phone and credit card donations by calling (707) 462-1934 Monday through Friday, 8 am to noon.

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