
Louisiana Travel float stalls after mid-Rose Parade performance – Pasadena Star News

Funviralpark 2 years ago 0 11

The Louisiana Tourism Authority returned to the 134th Annual Rose Parade to wow viewers around the world with its award-winning floats and parade performances. But it soon hit a dead end.

The 2023 Mid-Parade performance of Layne Hardy and the New Orleans-based Hot 8 Brass Band performing “Born on the Bayou” came a little later.

Penn State band members and riders boarded the “Protecting the Wild” float entry from the Mutual of Omaha and rushed to catch up as soon as the situation was resolved.

It’s the second year in a row that Louisiana floats have caused trouble in the famous procession.

Last year’s Louisiana Tourism Board float had to be towed, said Tournament of Roses volunteer Andrew Santelli.

Santeri boarded the 2023 float with 63-year-old Chatsworth resident Steve Altmaier. Altmaier united for his 50th straight year on Sunday night, January 1, driving the aptly named “Feed Your Soul” Louisiana his office. tourist float.

According to Santelli, the motto for running the tournament’s parade is “keep moving.”

Thankfully the problem was fixed for 3 minutes shortly after the malfunction occurred.

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