According to the department, “There are three types of violations: priority, priority base, and core.”
The Ministry of Health looks for flaws, but the main goal of the organization is to educate businesses so they understand unsafe practices and how to fix them.
According to the Natrona County environmental health program manager, “There are no sliding scales or passing or failing health checks.” All violations are corrected immediately or within 10 days. This means that breaches do not put your business at risk.
If a retest is required, the problem may have been more serious or the facility may have taken more time to fix it. He has 10 days to fix the problem, and Heald said most facilities can easily meet the requirements.
Serious violations and notable citations are included in summary notes below, while full reports for each restaurant can be found on the department’s website, which publishes all current information.
December 19, 2022
Eagles Club Bar
violation: 3 cases (1 priority, 2 corrections during inspection)
Needs re-inspection: No
Link to full report
Comment: “There are no test strips available at the facility.”
Hibachi grill and best buffet
violation: 5 cases (2 priority cases, 2 inspection correction cases)
Needs re-inspection: yes
Link to full report
Comment: “Foods without thawing, cooking, or opening dates.”
Lincoln Street Cafe
violation: 1
Needs re-inspection: No
Link to full report
Comment: “No disinfectants were used during the inspection.”
Low Fun Jug #110
violation: 1
Needs re-inspection: No
Link to full report
Comment: “Floor under walk-in cooler shelves needs to be cleaned. Some cabinet door tops are sticky with soda etc. Drawers where coffee packets are kept have a small amount of coffee.” There is dregs.
December 20, 2022
Elkhorn Valley Rehab Food Service
violation: 4 cases (3 cases with priority, 4 cases corrected at the time of inspection)
Needs re-inspection: No
Link to full report
Comment: “Dish pit floor may be broken and lifted, pooling water and growing mold.”
violation: 3 (priority: 2, inspection/correction: 1)
Needs re-inspection: yes
Link to full report
Comment: “Paper towel dispenser is broken. Remaining towel roll dampens when getting towels.”
December 23, 2022
McDonald’s East
violation: 7 (priority 3, inspection correction 2)
Needs re-inspection: yes
Link to full report
Comment: “A food employee should be aware that before engaging in food preparation, after touching naked body parts, after coughing, sneezing, eating, after handling unclean utensils, or potentially contaminated him/her. not washing hands after engaging in certain activities.